

I wish to make a few remarks, on this solemn occasion, in regard tosister Mary, and in regard to what brother Brigham has said, which is perfectlycongenial to my feelings.

As it regards sister Mary Smith's situation and circumstances, I haveno trouble at all, for if any person has lived the life of a Saint, shehas. If any person has acted the part of a mother, she has. I may say shehas, acted the part of a mother, and a father, and Bishop. She has had alarge family, and several old people to take care of, and which she hasmaintained for years by her economy and industry.

One thing I am glad of, and I feel to rejoice in the providence of Godthat things have been as they have. She came here sick on the Sabbath, eightweeks ago last Sunday, for me to lay hands upon her. She was laid prostrateupon her bed, and was not able to recover afterwards. I felt as though itwas a providential circumstance that it so happened. She always expressedthat she knew the thing was dictated by the Lord that she should be placedhere in my house, though accidentally. She probably would not have livedso long, had she been where she could not have had the same care. On Tuesdayevening, eight weeks and two days since, she came here sick; from that timeuntil her death she was prayerful and humble. I have never seen a personin my life that had a greater desire to live than she had, and there wasonly one thing she desired to live for, and that was to see to her family;it distressed her to think that she could not see to them; she wept aboutit. She experienced this anxiety for a month previous to her death, andshe wept and prayed that the diseased place might be opened.

She was never left alone, after she became sick. My family, and brotherBrigham's family, and others, waited upon her all the time. She had everyattention paid to her, that ever was paid to a sick person. This she expressed,herself, times and times again. Sister Thompson has been here ever sincesister Mary was taken sick, and she paid every attention to her. I say,with regard to my family, if ever there were good feelings shown to anyperson, they have manifested them to her, so also have brother Brigham'sfamily, and others who live around here. I will say so much in their behalf,and for the consolation of the friends of the departed.

I am thankful to the Lord God, that I have had the privilege, with myfamily, to do Mary a kindness; it is a consolation to me. Do I regret it?No. I never regret a good deed that I have done in my life. If I regretanything, it is that I have not the ability to do more good.

Let us do all the good we can. Show all the kindness we can to the world,to both Saint and sinner, to all upon the face of the earth, and I knowwe shall receive our reward for every good and for every evil work we do,but I do not want to be rewarded for anything but that which is good. MayGod grant me life, that it may be spent for the good of this people, andfor the comfort and consolation of brother Brigham. God forbid I shouldever grieve his feelings, and the Spirit of God, from this time forth, thatwhen I die I may depart in peace, to mingle with those who have gone beforeme.

I know sister Mary has departed in peace; she has gone home. I neverheard her murmur against brother Brigham in my life, nor against me. IfI went to see her, it was well; if not, it was all the same. She has cometo see me, sometimes once, and sometimes twice a-week. When I have seenher, I have said to her, I have no time to come and see you, Mary, thereforeyou must come and see me. She never considered it too much trouble to comeand see me and her brethren. I am satisfied she desired to live for thebenefit of her children. I know she has given them good counsel, and ifthey will follow it they will never be in trouble. I feel well towards them,and towards all present, and, in fact, I have nothing against any beingupon the face of the earth. I feel to rejoice, I am comforted, and I feelto praise the Lord God; and when I have done my work, I will go to my brethren,and be with those I have associated with from the beginning. Why I believeit, is, because I have an assurance for myself, which is like an anchor,and taketh hold of that which is within the vail. I shall land safe; thisis my feeling, and I have no other desire in my heart, nor ever had fromthe first day I enlisted into this Church. I never had any wish, but todo that which is right all the time. Considering the character of my calling,connected as I am and have been with the Prophet, Apostles, and Patriarchsof Jesus Christ, and with holy men of God, I do not consider that anythingelse but doing right is the character of such a man, it is the nature ofhis calling and office to be an Apostle, and issue forth the light and truthof God, from this time henceforth and forever. These are my feelings, brotherBrigham, all the time. (President Brigham Young, "I know it.")When I eat and when I drink, when I go out and when I come in, my prayeris, and feelings are, to do right; and I am glad I did right to sister Mary,and took care of her, and that my family had the pleasure of nourishingher; the satisfaction this gives me, is worth more to me than a hundredthousand dollars. Do I believe they know it in heaven? Yes, as much as youdo. I want to live all the time in righteousness, as I know that God seesme and all the works of His hands. When we see as He sees, and comprehendas He comprehends, it will be by the same powers and keys that we are knownto Him. I rejoice exceedingly before God, that I am a Latter-day Saint,that I am a "Mormon" Elder in Israel, for what I know, and forwhat I have seen and passed through; it is worth more to me than gold andsilver, or precious stones; what I have passed through has given me an experience,and I praise the Lord God that I am a member of the house of Israel, andone of the elect of God; and I shall dwell with you in eternity, and I knowit.

May God bless you forever, Amen.