

It rejoices my heart to hear the principles that have been advancedthis day by our President, because they have their foundation in truth,are based upon the principles of equity, and are calculated to promote thehappiness, well-being, exaltation, and glory of man, in time, and throughoutall eternity. They lead us back into eternity; they existed with us there,and in all the various stages of man's existence they are calculated toelevate and ennoble him, and place him in a proper position before God,angels, and men. They will put him in possession of his legitimate right,save him from the grasp of the adversary, from every subtle stratagem ofthe powers of darkness, and place him in his proper station in time andin eternity.

I have been much pleased with and edified by the remarks that have beenmade upon this stand during the Conference. Wisdom has been displayed inthem; from them the intelligence of heaven has beamed forth, the mysteriesof eternity have been spread before our minds, and we have had a view ofheavenly things, that has filled our hearts with joy and our mouths withpraise. It has made us feel as though we were upon the threshold of eternity;as though we were eternal beings, and had to do with eternal things; asthough the things of this world were short, fleeting, and evanescent, notworthy of a thought when compared with those things that are calculatedto exalt and ennoble us in time and in eternity.

The principles of justice, righteousness, and truth, which have an endlessduration, can alone satisfy the capacious desires of the immortal soul.We may amuse ourselves like children do at play, or engage in the frivolitiesof the dance. We may take our little enjoyments in our social assemblies,but when the man comes to reflect, when the Saint of God considers, andthe visions of eternity are open to his view, and the unalterable purposesof God are developed to his mind-when he contemplates his true positionbefore God, angels, and men, then he soars above the things of time andsense, and bursts the cords that bind him to earthly objects; he contemplatesGod and his own destiny in the economy of heaven, and rejoices in a bloominghope of an immortal glory.

Such have been some of our feelings, while our minds have been carriedaway from the things of earth to contemplate the things with which eternalbeings are associated, and the glories that await us in the everlastingmansions of the Gods.

The principles that we have to do with, then, are eternal, and not simplyto play a game upon the checker of mortality, on which people can win andlose for the time being. We have to do with that which shall continue


"While life, and thought, and being last,

Or immortality endures."

We seek not to build our hopes upon things that are evanescent, fleeting,and transitory.


It is not he that can play the best game at checkers, that can takethe most advantage of his neighbor, that can grasp the most earthly good,or that can put himself in possession of anything his heart desires pertainingto time, that is the most happy; but it is he who does that which will last,live, and continue to abide with him while "immortality endures,"and still be on the increase worlds without end.

If we can possess principles of this kind, then we are safe, every thingelse amounts to an illusion or a delusion, which cannot satisfy the desiresof the mind, but as the Prophet says, it is like a thirsty man who dreamshe is drinking, but when he awakes, he is faint, and his soul is thirsty;he dreams that he is eating, and when he awakes his soul is empty. Thisis the true situation of all men who are without God in the world; and nothingbut a knowledge of eternal principles, of eternal laws, of eternal governments,of eternal justice and equity, and of eternal truth, can put us right, andsatiate the appetite of the immortal soul.

If we make not a just estimate of these things, it is in vain that weattempt to say, "Lord, Lord," because we do not the things whichHe says. Every thing associated with the Gospel of salvation is eternal,for it existed before the "morning stars sang together for joy,"or this world rolled into existence. It existed then, just as it now existswith us, and it will exist the same when time with us is no more. It isan eternal principle, and every thing associated with it is everlasting.It is like the Priesthood of the Son of God, "without beginning ofdays or end of years." It lives and abides for ever. If there is anyprinciple that is not eternal, it is not a principle of the Gospel of lifeand salvation.

There are many changes and shifting scenes that may influence the positionof mankind, under different circumstances, in this state of mortality; butthey cannot influence or change the Gospel of the Son of God, or the eternaltruths of heaven; they remain unchangeable; as it is said very properlyby the Church of England, in one of their homilies, "as it was in thebeginning, is now, and ever shall be, worlds without end." If nothingelse they say is true, that is, and I can say amen to it, with all my heart.All true principles are right, and if properly understood and appreciatedby the human family, to them they are a fountain of eternal good.

The principle of "heirship," which President Young preachedabout today, is a principle that is founded on eternal justice, equity,and truth. It is a principle that emanated from God. As was said by someof our brethren this morning, there may be circumstances arise in this worldto pervert for a season the order of God, to change the designs of the MostHigh, apparently, for the time being, yet they will ultimately roll backinto their proper place-justice will have its place, and so will mercy,and every man and woman will yet stand in their true position before God.If we understand ourselves correctly, we must look upon ourselves as eternalbeings, and upon God as our Father, for we have been taught when we prayedto say, "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name."We have fathers in the flesh, and we do them reverence, how much more shallwe be in subjection to the Father of Spirits and live. I need not enterinto any proof in relation to this, for it is well understood by the Saintsthat God is the Father of our spirits, and that when we go back into Hispresence, we shall know Him, as we have known our earthly parents. We aretaught to approach Him as we would an earthly parent, to ask of Him suchblessings as we need; and He has said, If a son ask bread of his fathershall he give him a stone, or if he ask for fish, a scorpion. If ye then,being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much morewill your Heavenly Father give His holy Spirit to them that ask Him.

We have a Father, then, who is in heaven. He has placed us on this earthfor some purpose. We found ourselves in possession of bodies, mental faculties,and reasoning powers. In a word, we found ourselves intelligent beings,with minds capable of recalling the past and launching into the unborn futurewith lightning speed; and were it not for this earthly tabernacle, thistenement of clay, they would soar aloft and contemplate the unveiled purposesof Jehovah in the mansions of the redeemed. We found ourselves here withminds capable of all this and more. God, who has ordained all things frombefore the foundation of the world, is our Father. He placed us here tofulfil His wise and unerring counsels, that we might magnify our calling,honor our God, obtain an exaltation, and be placed in a more glorious, exalted,and dignified position than it would have been possible for us to enjoyif we had never taken upon us these bodies. This is my faith; it is thefaith of this people.

I have no complaints to make about our father Adam eating the forbiddenfruit, as some have, for I do not know but any of us would have done thesame. I find myself here in the midst of the creations of God, and it isfor me to make use of the intelligence God has given me, and not condescendto anything that is low, mean, groveling, and degrading-to anything thatis calculated to debase the immortal mind of man, but to follow after thingsthat are in their nature calculated to exalt, ennoble, and dignify, thatI may stand in my true position before God, angels, and men, and rise totake my seat among the Gods of eternity.

We will now come to the principle of legitimacy, which was the textgiven out this morning-to our rights, privileges, Priesthoods, authorities,powers, dominions, &c. &c. And as some of us are Scriptorians, andall profess to believe the Bible, I feel inclined to quote a text from it.Paul, when speaking of Jesus Christ, gives us to understand that he is thefirst-born of every creature, for by him were all things made that weremade, and to him pertains all things; he is the head of all things, he createdall things, whether visible or invisible, whether they be principalities,powers, thrones, or dominions; all things were created by him and for him,and without him was not anything made that was made. If all things werecreated by him and for him, this world on which we stand must have beencreated by him and for him; if so, he is its legitimate, its rightful owneran proprietor; its lawful sovereign and ruler. We will begin with him, then,in the first place, in treating on the subject of legitimacy.

But has he had the dominion over all nations, kindreds, peoples, andtongues? Have they bowed to his sceptre, and acknowledged his sway? Haveall people rendered obedience to his laws, and submitted to his guidance?Echo answers "No!" Has there ever been a kingdom, a government,a nation, a power, or a dominion in this world that has yielded obedienceto him in all things? Can you point out one?

We read of the Jews who were a nation that submitted only in part tohis authority, for they rebelled against his laws, and were placed undera schoolmaster until the Messiah should come. We read also, in the Bookof Mormon, of some Nephites that dwelt upon this land, who kept the commandmentsof God, and perhaps were more pure than any other nation that history givesany account of. But, with these exceptions, the nations, kingdoms, powers,and dominions of the world have not been subject to the law, dominion, rule,or authority of God; but, as it is expressed by one of the ancients, theprince and power of the air, the god of this world has ruled in the heartsof the children of disobedience, and led them captive at his own will. Whereis the historian, the man acquainted with ancient lore, who can point meout one government, nation, power, or dominion, that has been subject tothe rule of God, to the dominion of Jesus Christ, with the exception ofthose Jews and Nephites which I have referred to? If there has been anysuch nation, the history of it has escaped my notice. I have never beenable to obtain such information.

What then has been the position of the world for generations past? Theyhave been governed by rulers not appointed of God; if they were appointedby Him, it was merely as a scourge to the people for their wickedness, orfor temporary rulers in the absence of those whose right it was to govern.They had not the legitimate rule, Priesthood, and authority of God on theearth, to act as His representatives in regulating and presiding over theaffairs of His kingdom.

Perhaps it may be well, at this stage of my remarks, to give you a shortexplanation of my ideas on government, legitimacy, or Priesthood, if youplease. The question, "What is Priesthood?" has often been askedme. I answer, it is the rule and government of God, whether on earth, orin the heavens; and it is the only legitimate power, the only authoritythat is acknowledged by Him to rule and regulate the affairs of His kingdom.When every wrong thing shall be put right, and all usurpers shall be putdown, when he whose right it is to reign shall take the dominion, then nothingbut the Priesthood will bear rule; it alone will sway the sceptre of authorityin heaven and on earth, for this is the legitimacy of God.

In the absence of this, what has been the position of the nations? Youwho have made yourselves acquainted with the political structure and thepolitical intrigues of earthly kingdoms, I ask, from whence did they obtaintheir power? Did they get it from God? Go to the history of Europe, if youplease, and examine how the rulers of those nations obtained their authority.Depending upon history for our information, we say those nations have beenfounded by the sword. If we trace the pages of this history still furtherback to the first nation that existed, still we find that it was foundedupon the same principle. Then follow the various revolutions and changesthat took place among subsequent nations and powers, from the Babyloniansthrough the Medo Persians, Grecians, Romans, and from that power to allthe other powers of Europe, Asia, and Africa, of which we have any knowledge:and if we look to America from the first discoveries by Columbus to thepresent time, where are now the original proprietors of the soil? Go toany power that has existed upon this earth, and you will find that earthlygovernment, earthly rule and dominion, have been obtained by the sword.It was the sword of men that first put them in possession of this power.They have walked up to their thrones through rivers of blood, through theclotted gore and the groans of the dying, and through the tears and lamentationsof bereaved widows and helpless orphans; and hence the common saying is,"Thrones won by blood, by blood must be maintained." By the sameprinciple that they have been put in possession of territory, have theysought to sustain themselves-the same violence, the same fraud, and thesame oppression have been made use of to sustain their illegitimacy.

Some of these powers, dominions, governments, and rulers, have had intheir possession the laws of God, and the admonitions of Jesus Christ; andwhat have they done to his servants in different ages of the world, whenhe has sent them unto them? This question I need not stop to answer, foryou are already made too familiar with it. This, then, is the position ofthe world. Authority, dominion, rule, government has been obtained by fraud,and consequently is not legitimate. They say much about the ordination ofkings, and their being anointed by the grace of God, &c. What thinkyou of a murderer slaying hundreds and thousands of his fellow-creaturesbecause he has the power, and while his sword is yet reeking with humanblood, having a priest in sacerdotal robes to anoint him to the kingship?They have done it. What think you of the cries of the widows, the tearsof the orphans, and the groans of the dying, mingling with the prayers andblessings of the priest upon the head of the murderer of their husbandsand their fathers?

It is impossible that there can be any legitimate rule, government,power, or authority, under the face of the heavens, except that which isconnected with the kingdom of God, which is established by new revelationfrom heaven.

In a conversation with some of our modern reformers in France, one oftheir leaders said, "I think you will not succeed very well in disseminatingthe principles of your religion in France. I replied, "You have beenseeking, to accomplish something, for generations, with your philosophy,your philanthropic societies, and your ideas of moral reform, but have failed;while we have not been seeking to accomplish the thing that you have, particularly,and yet have accomplished it." We began with the power of God, withthe government of heaven. and with acknowledging His hand in all things;and God has sustained us, blessed and upheld us to the present time; andit is the only government, rule, and dominion under the heaven that willacknowledge His authority.

Brethren, if any of you doubt it, go into some of those nations, andget ourselves introduced into the presence of their kings and rulers, andsay, "Thus saith the Lord God." They would at once denounce youas a madman, and straightway order you into prison. What is the matter?They do not acknowledge the legitimacy; the rule and government of God,nor will they inquire into them. They receive not their authority from Him.Nations honor their kings, but they do not honor the authority of theirGod in any instance, neither have they from the first man-made governmentto the present time. If there has been such a nation, or if there is atthis time such a government, it is a thing of which I am ignorant.

The kings and potentates of the world profess to be anointed by thegrace of God. But the priests who anoint them have no authority to do it.No person has authority to anoint a king or administer in one of the leastof God's ordinances, except he is legally called and ordained of God tothat power; and how can a man be called of God to administer in His name,that does not acknowledge the gift of prophecy to be the right of the childrenof God in all ages? It is impossible. These men have been grasping afterpower, and for this they have laid waste nations and destroyed countries.Some of them possessed it for a while, and others were on the eve of gettingit when they were cut off, and down they went. What became of them afterwards?Isaiah in vision saw the kings of the earth gathered together as prisonersin a pit, and after many days they were to be visited.

Having said so much in relation to other governors and governments,we will now notice the difference between them and Abraham of old. Abrahamwas a man who contended for the true and legitimate authority. God promisedto him, and to his seed after him the land of Canaan for their possession,"The Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Liftup now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, andsouthward, and eastward, and westward; for all the land which thou seest,to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever." What did Stephensay, generations afterwards? That God "gave him none inheritance init, no, not so much as to set his foot on; yet he promised that he wouldgive it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yethe had no child." Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones explains this seemingcontradiction. The Lord said to him, "Son of man, can these bones live?"&c. Who are they? We are told, in the same chapter, they are the wholehouse of Israel, and that they shall come out of their graves, bone cometo its bone, and sinew to sinew, and flesh come upon them, and they shallbecome a living army before God, and they shall inherit the land which wasgiven to them and their fathers before them. The measuring line shall againgo forth upon those lands, and mark out the possessions belonging to thetribes of Israel.

Abraham was a man who dared fear God, and do honor to His authority,which was legitimate. God tried and proved him, the same as He has triedmany of us, and felt after his heart-strings, and twisted them round. WhenHe had tried him to the utmost, He swore by Himself, because He could swearby no greater, saying, "That in blessing I will bless thee, and inmultiplying I will multiply thy seed." "And in thy seed shallall the nations of the earth be blessed." Abraham obtained his dominionby legitimate authority; his Priesthood was obtained from God; his authoritywas that which is associated with the everlasting Gospel, which was, andis, and is to come, that liveth and abideth forever. And the promises madeto him will rest upon him and his posterity through every subsequent periodof time, until the final winding up scene of all things. Will he ever obtainthem? Yes. For we are eternal beings, and I am now talking as though wewere in eternity. We shall wake up in the morning of the resurrection, attainto all the blessings which have been promised to us, and strike hands withAbraham, and see him inherit the promises. Abraham and all his childrenwill then inherit the promises, through the principle of legitimacy. Andthere are many of the sons and daughters of Abraham among us at the presenttime; these will be baptized for their dead brethren and sisters, and bythis means bring them unto Christ, beginning on the outside branches ofthe tree, and so progressing to the main stock, and from that to the root.And it shall come to pass that all Israel shall be saved. Why? Because itis their legitimate right. And they are Israel who do the works of Abraham.

Thus it is, then, with Abraham. The old man feels perfectly easy aboutthe matter; and if he does see many of his descendants existing as a cursedrace on account of their transgressions, many of them enjoying no higheravocation than crying "Old clothes," still the time of their redemptionwill come, and by means of the eternal Gospel and Priesthood they with uswill be made perfect, and we with them. While the faithful are operatingin heaven to bring this about, the Saints are operating on earth; and byfaith and works we will accomplish all things, we will redeem the dead andthe living, and all shall come forth, and Abraham will stand at the headof his seed as their ruler. This is his legitimate position.

We will now notice those men who are contending for it without any authority,and make a contrast between the two. We see them gathering their forces,and using their influence to destroy the poor among men. How long will thekings and rulers of the earth do this? Until they are dead and damned. Andwhat then? They will be cast down into a pit. Isaiah saw them there, alongwith many other scoundrels, murderers, and scamps. After many days theywill be visited, but they have got to lie in prison a long time for theirtransgressions. The one is legitimacy, and the other is illegitimacy; theone is the order of God, and the other is the order of the devil.

Such is the position of things in relation to the world, to legitimacyand illegitimacy, in regard to things that are right and things that arewrong. Jesus Christ created all things, and for him were they made, whetherit be principalities, powers, thrones, or dominions. Now the question is,is he going to be dispossessed of his right because scoundrels exist inthe world, and stand in power and dominion; because his subjects have rebelledagainst him from time to time, and usurpers have taken his place, and thedominion is given to another? Verily, no. But the time will come when thekingdom and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will begiven to the Saints of the Most High, and they will possess it for everand ever.

We will now notice some of the acts of God, and some of the acts ofthose who have been under the dominion of Satan, those, who have had dominionover the world-the proud and haughty usurpers, and the shedders of innocentblood. These are they that have lived in the world, and possessed all thegood things of it. And what has been the situation of the Saints in everyage? All those who dared acknowledge that God lived, that this kingdom belongedto Him, that it was His right, and that He would without doubt possess it,have been trodden under foot, persecuted, cast out, hated, killed; "theywandered about in sheep-skins and goat skins; being destitute, afflicted,and tormented." As one of old says, in speaking of the Jews-Which ofthe prophets have not your fathers killed, who testified before of the comingof the Just One.

This was the case in ancient days, and has been carried on in moderntimes. I have, with my own eyes, seen holy Prophets expire, who were killedby the hands of a murderous gang of blood-thirsty assassins, because theybore the same testimony that the holy Prophets did in days of old. How manymore of their brethren who dared acknowledge the truth, have fallen beneaththe same influences-have been shot, whipped, imprisoned, and put to deathin a variety of ways, while hundreds of others, driven from their homesin the winter, have found their last bed; they were worn out with sufferingand fatigue, the weary wheels of life stood still; they were obliged toforsake the world, in which they could no longer remain, because of thepersecution heaped upon them by the enemies of the truth.

The reason of all this vile outrage upon innocent men, women, and children,is because there is no legitimate rule upon the earth. God's laws and governmentare not known, and His servants are despised and cast out.

Legitimacy and right, whether in heaven or on earth, cannot mix withanything that is not true, just, and equitable; and truth is free from oppressionand injustice, as is the bosom of Jehovah. Nothing but that will ultimatelystand. What has been the position of the world generally, among themselves?You see men marshalling armies, and making war with one another to destroyeach other, and take possession of their territory and wealth. One man whois in possession of wealth, power, and authority, sees oppression exercisedby kings; so he follows the example, as do rulers who exercise authorityunder their sovereign; then others in a still lower degree do the same;thus oppression treads upon the heels of oppression, and distress followsdistress. You will find this to exist in a great measure through every gradeof society, from the king on his throne, down to the match-maker, or thechimney-sweep.

To ameliorate the condition of man, there are a great many institutionsintroduced into the world in the shape of Tract Societies, Bible Societies,and many more too numerous for me to name. Many of them are founded by sinceremen, but commencing on the wrong foundation, they keep wrong all the time,and fail to accomplish the object desired. If any one of these differentinstitutions were to carry out their own principles, they would not onlyfail in accomplishing the object they have in view, but ultimately destroythemselves.

There are Peace Societies among the rest; their object is to bring peaceinto the world, without the Spirit of God. They see plainly that peace isdesirable, but they wish to graft it on to a rotten stock. In Europe theyhad a "Peace Congress," and sent their representatives to allparts of the world; and of course this "Congress of Peace" wishedto regulate the world, make an end of war and bring in universal peace.

Talk about peace, when rancorous discord makes its nest in the councilsand cabinets of all nations, and the hearts of their statesmen are steepedin hatred one to another. Jealousy, animosity, and strife, like the influenceof a deadly contagion, may be found in almost every family; brother risingup against sister, sister against brother, the father against the mother,and the mother against the father, etc. We can find discord reigning evenin the "Peace Society" itself.

Jesus Christ says, "My peace I give unto you: not as the worldgiveth, give I unto you," &c. Wherever this peace exists, it leavesan influence that is comforting and refreshing to the souls of those whopartake of it. It is like the morning dew to the thirsty plant. This peaceis alone the gift of God, and it can only be received from Him through obedienceto His laws. If any man wishes to introduce peace into his family or amonghis friends, let him cultivate it in his own bosom; for sterling peace canonly be had according to the legitimate rule and authority of heaven, andobedience to its laws.

Everything is disordered, and in confusion in the world. The reasonis, because no legitimate authority has been known or acknowledged on theearth. Others have been trying to build up and establish what they supposedto be the kingdom of God. The socialists of France call themselves religiouspeople, and they also expect to bring about a reign of glory through a speciesof Robespierreism. I was told by a man well acquainted with matters of factin relation to these things, that if they gained the ascendancy in France,their first object would be to erect a statue to Robespierre. They weregoing to cut off thousands of people, to accomplish their designs: and hadnot Napoleon taken active measures to head them, bands of men were readyon a moment's warning to cut off the heads of thousands, and among these,I was informed, fifty thousand priests were doomed.

These are some of the principles and ideas that exist in the world,among the various nations and institutions of men, which are framed accordingto illegitimate principles. A change of government changes not the conditionof the people, for all are wrong, and acting without God.

Our ideas are, that the time has come to favor God's people; a timeabout which Prophets spoke in pathetic strains, and poets sung. These menof God looked through the dark vista of future ages, and being wrapped inprophetic vision, beheld the latter day glory-the time of the dispensationof the fulness of times, spoken of by all the holy Prophets since the worldbegan; for they all looked forward with joyful anticipations to the thingswhich have commenced with us; they all had their eye upon the time whenlegitimacy would obtain its proper place upon the earth, in the shape ofthe kingdom of God established in the world, when all false rule and dominionwould be put down, and the kingdoms of this world would become subject toGod and His Christ. These are the ideas that they had, and these are thethings we are seeking to carry out.

If we look at what illegitimacy has done in former times, we shall seethe absolute necessity of the restitution spoken of by the Prophets, forit has filled the earth with evil, it has caused the world to groan in bondage,laid millions in the cold embrace of death, and caused disease to spreadits pestiferous breath among the nations, leaving ruin, misery, and desolationin its path, and made this fair earth a howling wilderness. And nothingbut the wisdom and intelligence of God can change it. The kingdom of Godwill establish truth and correct principles-the principles of truth, equity,and justice; in short, the principles that emanate from God, principlesthat are calculated to elevate man in time and through all eternity. Howshall this be? It will be by a legitimate rule, authority, and dominion.

Who have we for our ruling power? Where and how did he obtain his authority?Or how did any in this Church and kingdom obtain it? It was first obtainedby a revelation from the Lord of the Universe, by the opening of the heavens,by the voice of God, and by the ministering of holy angels. It is by thevoice of God and the voice of the people, that our present President obtainedhis authority. Many people in the world are talking about mis-rule and mis-government.If there is any form of government under the heavens where we can have legitimaterule and authority, it is among the Saints. In the first place, we havea man appointed by God, and, in the second place, by the people. This manis chosen by yourselves, and every person raises his hand to sanction thechoice. Here is our President, Brigham Young, whom we made choice of yesterday,who is he? He is the legitimate ruler among this people. Can anybody dispossesshim? They cannot, because it is his legitimate right, and he reigns in thehearts of the people. He obtains his authority first from God, and secondlyfrom the people; and if a man possesses five grains of common sense, whenhe has a privilege of voting for or against a man, he will not vote fora man that oppresses the people; he will vote according to the dictatesof his conscience, for this is the right and duty of this people in thechoice of their President, and other leading officers of the kingdom ofGod. While this is being done here, it is being done in every part of theworld, wherever the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a footing.Is there a monarch, potentate, or power under the heavens that undergoesa scrutiny as fine as this? No, there is not; and yet this is done twicea year, before all the Saints in the world. Here are legitimacy and rule.You place the power in their hands to govern, dictate, regulate, and putin order the affairs of the kingdom of God. This is, Vox Dei vox populi.God appoints, the people sustain. You do this by your own act; very well,then, it is legitimate, and must stand, and every man is bound to abideit if it takes the hair off his head. I know there are things sometimesthat are hard, tough, and pinching; but if a man is a man of God, he hashis eyes upon eternal things, and is aiming to accomplish the purposes ofGod, and all will be well with him in the end.

What advantage is there, then, between this government and others? Why,we have peace, and as eternal beings we have a knowledge of eternal things.While listening to the remarks made on this stand, what have we not heard-whathave we not known? The curtains of heaven have been withdrawn, and we havegazed as by vision upon eternal realities. While, in the professing world,doubt and uncertainty throw their dark mantle over every mind.

Let us now notice our political position in the world. What are we goingto do? We are going to possess the earth. Why? Because it belongs to JesusChrist, and he belongs to us, and we to him; we are all one, and will takethe kingdom and possess it under the whole heavens, and reign over it forever and ever. Now, ye kings and emperors, help yourselves, if you can.This is the truth, and it may as well be told at this time as at any other.

"There's a good time coming, Saints,

A good time coming,

There's a good time coming, Saints,

Wait a little longer."


Having said so much on this point, we will return to the principle oflegitimacy. God is our legitimate Father, and we are His children, and havea claim upon Him, and He has claim upon us. We have come into this worldto accomplish a certain purpose, and we have come in the dispensation ofthe fulness of times, when God decreed to gather all things together intoone, whether they be things in heaven or on earth; and everything that hasbeen in existence in any age of the world, or that is, or will be, whichis calculated to benefit and exalt man, we shall have; consequently it isfor us to look after anything and everything that ever has been true, orthat has ever been developed in any period of the history of man, for itall belongs to us, and has got to be restored, for restitution means bringingback that which is lost. If the Antediluvians enjoyed anything that wasgood, true, and eternal, which is not yet made known to us, it has to berestored; or if anything existed among the ancient Patriarchs and Prophets,that has been lost, it has to be restored. If there are any people of Godupon any detached part of this world, they with it have got to be restored.God's word will also be gathered into one, and His people and the Jews willhear the words of the Nephites, and the Ten Tribes must hear the words ofthe Jews and Nephites, and God's people be gathered and be one. All thingswill be gathered in one, and Zion be redeemed, the glory of God be revealed,and all flesh see it together. God's dominion will be established on theearth, the law go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem,and the kingdoms of this world will become subject to God and His Christ.

As eternal beings, then, we existed with our Father in the eternal worlds.We came on to this earth, and obtained tabernacles, that through takingpossession of them, and passing through a scene of trial, and tribulation,and suffering, we might be exalted to more glory, dignity, and power, thanwould have been possible for us to obtain had we not been placed in ourpresent position. If any of you do not believe this, let me refer you toa passage of Scripture or two. How was man created at first? We are toldthat God made man a little lower than the angels; then says Paul, "Knowye not that we shall judge angels." What through? It is through theatonement of Jesus Christ, through the taking of our bodies, the powersof the holy Priesthood, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ that we shallobtain a higher exaltation than it would have been possible for us to enjoy,if we had not fallen. To do right in our present state, then, we must carryout the principle of legitimacy according to a correct rule, and, if weprofess to be subjects of the kingdom of God, we must be subject to thedominion, rule, legitimacy, and authority of God. No person can escape fromthis, unless he apostatizes, and goes to the devil, like a fool. He mustbe a fool who would barter away eternal life, thrones, principalities, andpowers in the eternal world, for the paltry trash which exists in the shapeof wealth and worldly honor; to let go his chance of heaven and of God,of being a King and Priest unto Him, of living and reigning for ever, andof standing among the chiefs of Israel. I cannot help calling such men fools,for they are damned now in making such a choice, and will be hereafter.

I will say a little more on legitimacy and right to rule. What wouldbe the position of a man who would take a course to rob his neighbor, ortake advantage of him in the case of his legitimacy, which you have heardof this morning? Such a man must be a greater fool than the other. For instance,a good man dies, who has served God in righteousness all his days; the wearywheels of life stand still, and he goes to the world of spirits. He believedin the principles of justice, equity, righteousness, and truth, and thathis rights would be held sacred to him by his brethren after he was gone.But some professed man of God comes to his widow, and wants to steal heraway from him; he would rob the dead with impunity, under the ostensiblegarb of justice to her and her dead husband; he will tell her he is doingit out of pure love to them both, and he is going to exalt them in the kingdomof God. We read of the kingdom of God suffering violence; if violence isever attempted, it is in a case of this kind. It is bad enough to stealfrom a man his earthly property, his oxen, his cow, his horse, his harness,his wagon wheels, and other paraphernalia; but what think you of a man thatwould rob the dead of a treasure which he holds the most dear, and prizedas the most precious thing he possessed on earth-his affectionate wife!Such a person will assuredly miss his figure.

You will find in the ancient laws of Israel, there were proper rulesin relation to these matters; one was, that if a man died without a child,his brother or the nearest relation of the husband should take the widow,and raise up seed to her husband, that his name might be continued in Israel,and not be blotted out. Where did these laws come from? We are told theycame from God. But instead of doing this, suppose he should try to stealthis woman away, and rob his brother-how would he get along, I wonder, withsuch a case against him, at the bar of justice? The laws and ordinancesthat exist in the eternal world have their pattern in the things which arerevealed to the children of men on earth. The Priesthood as it exists onthe earth is a pattern of things in heaven. As I said in a former part ofthis discourse, Priesthood is legitimate rule, whether on earth or or inheaven. When we have the true Priesthood on earth, we take it with us intothe heavens; it changes not, but continues the same in the eternal world.

There is another feature of that ancient law which I will mention. Itwas considered an act of injustice for the nearest relation not to takethe wife of the deceased; if he refused to do it, he was obliged to go beforethe Elders of "Israel, and his brother's wife shall loose his shoefrom off his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shallit be done unto the man that will not build up his brother's house; andhis name shall be called in Israel, The house of him who hath his shoe loosed."If the restitution of all things is to be brought to pass, there must bea restitution of these things; everything will be put right, and in itsproper place.

There is another thing which is most grievous, afflicting, and distressingto contemplate. When a man takes to himself a woman that properly belongsto another, and defiles her, it interferes with the fountain of life, andcorrupts the very source of existence. There is an offspring comes forthas the fruit of that union, and that offspring is an eternal being-how canit be looked upon? To reflect upon it, wounds the finest feelings of humannature in time, and will in eternity. For who can gaze upon the degradationof their wife, and the corruption of their seed, without peculiar sensations?How much more is this feeling enhanced when the wronged man considers thathe has been robbed by one who professed to be his friend? This thing isnot to be trifled with, but is of the greatest importance; hence the necessityof the sealing powers, that all things may be pure, chastity maintained,and lasciviousness be rooted out from among the Saints. Why so? That wemay have a holy offspring, that shall be great, and clothed with the mightypower of God, to rule in His kingdom, and accomplish the work we proposethey shall fulfil; and that when we go to sleep, we may sleep in peace,knowing that justice will be administered in righteousness. We shall knowthat we have a claim upon our own in the first resurrection; we shall knowthat our wives and our children will be there to join us, justice will beadministered, and we shall have a claim upon them in the eternal world,and that no unprincipled scoundrel will be permitted to set his foot onanother, or rob him of his just claims. Why is a woman sealed to a man fortime and all eternity? Because there is legitimate power on earth to doit. This power will bind on earth and in heaven; it can loose on earth,and it is loosed in heaven; it can seal on earth, and it is sealed in heaven.There is a legitimate, authorized agent of God upon earth; this sealingpower is regulated by him; hence what is done by that, is done right, andis recorded. When the books are opened, every one will find his proper mate,and have those that belong to him, and every one will be deprived of thatwhich is surreptitiously obtained.

Let us do righteously, and you who would seek to injure another andtake advantage of one who was just and faithful to his God in his day, howwould you like, when you get a few years older and drop into eternity, forsomebody to come and serve you the same? You could not expect anything else,you could not die without being menaced by this supposition, and your dyingpillow would be made unhappy, you would know you had done wrong, and wouldexpect somebody to measure to you the same measure pressed down, shook together,and running over.

We have been told to preach confidence-correct principles and just dealingsalone will inspire it. If a man speaks that which is not true about another,can you have confidence in him? No. If a man defrauds another, can you haveconfidence in him? No, But if you would, through a principle of covetousness,seek to sap the foundation of another's happiness, by trying to wrench fromhim those sacred rights which pertain to his interest in the eternal world,how much greater will be your condemnation? Nothing but truth, integrity,virtue, honor, and every pure principle, will stand in the great day ofGod Almighty. If such a person happens to get through this world, he willfind barriers in the next, and probably miss a chance of obtaining a placein the first resurrection. Nothing contrary to the authority, rule, andgovernment of heaven will stand in time or in eternity; and if any man wantsto be blessed and honored, and to obtain a high place in the eternal world,let him pursue a course of honor, righteousness, and virtue before his God;and if he wants to find himself amongst usurpers, defrauders, oppressors,and those in possession of illegitimate claims, let him take an oppositecourse. If time would permit, much more might be said about social, family,and individual legitimate rights; but as time hastens, I forbear for thepresent.

Well, brethren and sisters, may God bless you. Amen.