

I take the liberty to occupy a short time, this morning, in addressingmy brethren and sisters.

I do not profess to be extensively versed in historical lore, stillI expect to be able to relate a small portion of my own history to you thismorning, referring especially to the latter part of my life, say for threeweeks past.

It is known by you all, that I started from this place with the intentionof journeying south to the extent of our southern settlements, but I havereturned short of performing that journey. I will state the reasons why,that the minds of the people may be at rest, and freed from anxiety.

We went to the city of Provo, in Utah Valley, where I had some businessto attend to. We tarried there a short time before proceeding on our journey,the principal items of which I wish to lay before the brethren, in connexionwith some circumstances that had transpired previous to our leaving thisplace. These circumstances combined together, caused a suspicious feelingin my own heart. I have endeavored all my life to follow one portion ofthe instructions of the Saviour to his disciples, that is, to "WATCH."I am a very watchful man.

Previous to my starting from this city, there was an express sent fromIron county, that Indian Walker manifested hostile feelings; for it seemshe had drawn out his men on a small portion of our brethren, and commandedthem to return home, when they were in pursuit of supposed thieves; theseIndians would not suffer them to proceed any further.

This circumstance, small as it might appear to some, caused suspicionin my mind that all was not right with the Indian chief, though I expectedto visit him on my journey.

After tarrying at the city of Provo a day and a night, I was accostedin a very abrupt manner by a stranger, a person that I knew nothing of,and had never seen before. I have learned since that he is an American fromthe State of New York, and has been living in New Mexico some years. Thisperson came to my carriage, while I was standing upon the steps of it, arrangingmy luggage, preparatory to proceeding onward, and said in a rough, authoritativetone, "Is Governor Young in this carriage?" "No, sir,"I said, "but he is on the steps of it. What is wanting?" I turnedround to see who addressed me, and saw this stranger, dressed in buck-skin,pretty well smoked. He said, "I have a little privacy with you."Stepping aside, far enough not to be heard by any other person, I said,"Say on, sir." "But I want to see you in private," hereplied. I said, "I have no privacy with strangers; if you have anycommunication to make to me, you can do it by letter." He walked, andleft me. That was all that passed between us. As soon as he intimated thathe wanted a private conference with me, I scanned the man, and saw thathis pockets were filled with deadly weapons, and of his intentions I hadmy own thoughts.

I went about my business, but in the meantime sent a man to reconnoitrehim, to whom he made some haughty expression about Governor Young. Saidhe, "Governor Young need not feel so damned important, I associatewith Governors when I am at home, and have money enough to buy GovernorYoung and all his wives." He further said, "I have four hundredMexicans waiting my orders, and can have as many more if I wish, besides,the Indians here are all at my command."

I soon learned to my satisfaction, that he had come into the Territoryto buy Indian children, and sell them again for slaves. Therefore I issuedthe Proclamation which you have no doubt read in the pages of the News,gave orders to the Lieutenant General, and he has done what he has.

We proceeded on our journey, and found that this man had been tradingwith the Indians. He said, "He asked no odds of the authorities ofthis Territory, but calculated to buy all the Indian children he could."He was told it was against the law. He replied, "Catching is beforehanging."

When I arrived at San Pete, I learned that one hundred and fifty YampaUtes on the west fork of the Sevier River, had come over to Walker's camp.I did not believe that this Mexican trader had four hundred Mexicans lyingon the head waters of the Sevier, for I did not think that men would patientlywait in the snow and frost for a man of his appearance. Instead of Mexicans,they turned out to be those Yampa Utes.

I sent out a reconnoitering party consisting of thirty men, to learntheir intentions, if possible; also the whereabouts of D. B. Huntington,who had gone previously, but I have not heard from them, nor him, sincethey left us at Salt Creek, about a week ago last Tuesday morning. AmasaLyman and Charles C. Rich proceeded on their journey, and omitted callingat San Pate. I went to San Pete to learn the situation and proceedings ofthe Indians. Arapeen, it appeared from some cause, had been dissatisfiedand had left. Before he left, he gave them to understand that he desiredpeace, and wanted to live in peace. However, I was prepared for whites,reds, or blacks, by night and by day and always intend to be.

This is a short account of my journey. I wished to lay it before youas it was, in consequence of the different statements which have been made,that vary considerably from the truth, after passing through a few hands.After relating the simple facts as they existed, you may regard them asyou please; but when you tell them over again to your neighbors, tell themas they were, or not at all.

I have heard a great many different stories since I came home, and findthe minds of the people very much agitated about the probable result ofthe hostilities of the Indians, and the presence of the Mexicans among them.I will tell you the reason why I returned home before accomplishing theremainder of my contemplated journey-it was because I wished to return.You may inquire why I wished to return. I will tell you. I am a great cowardmyself, I do not wish to rush into danger imprudently. If there should happento be any trouble with Indians, and I away from this place, there wouldbe more trouble here than with me. Of this I was fully aware, and it wasproved to my satisfaction when I returned home. Imagined danger always producesthe most trouble. The Indians are very much as they say the whites are,that is, uncertain-not to be trusted. The whites may be uncertain, but Iknow the Indians are. I dislike to trust them far. I never wish to be injured,nor have this people injured by Indian depredations, committed upon them;and if the Saints will do as they are told, they will never suffer fromthat quarter in this Territory.

Take up the history of the first settling of America, and you cannotread of a colony ever being settled in the midst of savages, without havingtrouble, and suffering more from them than this people have in Utah. Whatis the reason? It is because those people did not know how to take careof themselves. We can scarcely read of one colony founded among the aboriginesin the first settling of this country, wherein the tomahawk of wild Indiansdid not drink the blood of whole families. Here there have been no suchdeeds committed; because when we first entered Utah, we were prepared tomeet all the Indians in these mountains, and kill every soul of them ifwe had been obliged so to do. This preparation secured to us peace.

Every settlement that have been made in these valleys of the mountains,have received strict charges from me, to build, in the first place, a Fort,and live in it until they were sufficiently strong to live in a town; tokeep their guns and ammunition well prepared for any emergency; and nevercease to keep up a night watch, if any apprehensions of the Indians beinghostile were entertained. We have suffered nothing from them, compared withwhat we have suffered from white men who are disposed to steal; and I wouldrather take my chance to-day for good treatment among Indians, than I wouldamong white men of this character.

I have no recollection of the Indians killing any of this community,except one man, which happened about three years ago this spring, who hadstarted for California, on foot and alone, against counsel. The red skinsfound him and slew him. I have never heard of their even disturbing a family;and I do not intend that they ever shall, if watching, and praying, andbeing ready for them will prevent it.

I have always acknowledged myself a coward, and hope I always may be,to make me cautious enough to preserve myself and my brethren from fallingignobly by a band of Indians. I am satisfied that the men who follow Walker,who is the king of the Indians in these mountains, do it out of fear, andnot because they have real regard for their leader. If he becomes hostile,and wishes to commit depredations upon the persons or property of this people,he shall be wiped out of existence, and every man that will follow him.This is my calculation, and I wish you to be ready for it.

Yesterday morning, we received a communication from father Morley, inwhich we were informed that Walker and Arapeen came down to pay him a visit.The morning that we left San Pete, we sent back by the hands of Arapeen'stwo messengers, some little presents in the shape of shirts and tobacco.Walker said to Father Morley, "Tell brother Brigham, we have smokedthe tobacco he sent us in the pipe of peace; I want to be at peace, andbe a brother to him." That is all right. But it is truly characteristicof the cunning Indian, when he finds he cannot get advantage over his enemy,to curl down at once, and say "I love you." It is enough for meto know that Walker dare not attempt to hurt any of our settlements. I carenot whether they love me or not. I am resolved, however, not to trust hislove any more than I would a stranger's. I do not repose confidence in persons,only as they prove themselves confidential; and I shall live a long whilebefore I can believe that an Indian is my friend, when it would be to hisadvantage to be my enemy.

I wish now to put you in mind of a few things. Do you pray for Israel?You will no doubt answer in the affirmative. These Indians are the seedof Israel, through the loins of Joseph who was sold into Egypt; they arethe children of Abraham, and belong to the chosen seed; were it not so,you would never have seen them with dark, red skins. This is in consequenceof the curse that has been placed upon them, which never would have comeupon them in the world, had their fathers not violated the order of God,which was formerly among them; for in proportion to the light they sinnedagainst, so were they reduced by the curse of God, which has been visitedupon their children for many generations. They are of the House of Israel,and the time has come for the Lord to favor Zion, and redeem Israel. Weare here in the mountains, with these Lamanites for our neighbors, and Ihesitate not to say, if this people possessed the faith they ought to have,the Lord Almighty would never suffer any of the sons of Jacob to injurethem in the least; no never.

But I am suspicious that this people do not possess the faith they shouldhave, therefore I calculate to carry with me proper weapons of defence,that if a man should aim a blow at my person to take away my life, beforehe is aware, he himself is numbered with the dead. I have always been thusprepared for years. It is a matter of serious doubt in my mind, whetherthis people have faith enough to control the Indians in these mountains,by that alone, without works. Again, you may pray as fervently for themas for yourselves, which I have always done; it is my business to pray forthem, and seek the redemption of Israel, but something more is wanted tohold them at bay.

Who are Israel? They are those who are of the seed of Abraham, thathave received the promise through their forefathers; and all the rest ofthe children of men, who receive the truth, are also Israel. My heart isalways drawn out for them, whenever I go to the throne of grace. I loveIsrael, I long for their salvation, and look forward with a desire fullof hope and peace to the day when they will be gathered and saved; whentheir forefathers who enjoyed the Gospel, and through their faithfulnessreceived great promises and blessings for their posterity, shall see themfulfilled upon their heads.

I wish you to have faith to lay hold on the promises, and claim themas your own. If you had faith like the ancients, you might escape the edgeof the sword, stop the mouths of the lions, quench the violence of fire,open the prison doors, and burst asunder iron fetters-all this could beaccomplished by faith. But, lest you should not have faith, we have causedto be done that which has been done, in having this people prepared forany emergency that should arise. My advice is be on the watch all the time.Do not lie down, and go to sleep, and say all is well, lest, in an hourwhen you think not, sudden destruction overtake you.

We will carry this out a little further. Never permit yourself to sleepin your houses until your doors are made perfectly secure, that the Indianscannot come in and kill you in your sleep. In this respect the people generallyare careless, and perfectly unconcerned. Some want to be separated far fromtheir neighbors, and own all the land around them, saying "all is right,all is peace, and the Indians are perfectly good natured, and wish us noharm;" wrapping themselves up in the mantle of security, with a fewshattered boards roughly put together for a door to their houses, and thatwithout any fastening. Were it not that the people of this city are keptstirred up continually, and teased from time to time by some person on thismatter, it would not be one year before fifty men could conquer and slaythe whole of the inhabitants.

Are you sure you have faith enough to bind Satan so that he can haveno influence in this city? If you are not, you had better watch as wellas pray. Are you sure you have faith enough to control the ungovernablenature of the Lamanites, or subdue a Gentile mob? If you have, I am gladof it, it is the first time this people ever enjoyed it. Even suppose youhave faith to accomplish all this, will you add no works to your faith?And if you have the spirit of prayer to an almost unlimited degree, willyou cease to watch? I have prayed many times, and had a man at the doorto watch for the murderer who thirsted for my blood. Then he would pray,and I would watch. What for? To kill the blood-thirsty villain. I wouldnot go and seek for him, but when he came to kill me in my own house, Iwished to be prepared to disembody his spirit, to save my own tabernacle,and send his down to the dust, and let him go to the place prepared formurderers, even to hell.

Suppose we had faith enough to accomplish all we have been speakingof, which would be the most proper, to use prayer alone without watching,and have faith alone without works, or watch and add works to faith? I willmix works with my faith, and watching with my prayer, and reap the benefitsof their united operation.

A few words more concerning Walker the Indian. He sent word to us thathe was coming down to this city to trade. That is all right, it is verygood. I expect he will be peaceable, and the rest of the Indians also. Ihave no doubt of it. Why? Because they dare not be any other way. If theydare be otherwise, I know not how quick they would be at war with us. Butthey will be kind and peaceable, because they are afraid to die, and thatis enough for me.

If they will in the least receive the spirit of the Gospel, I shallbe glad of it. There is no doubt in my mind but Walker has felt it fromtime to time, and I am satisfied that our faith and prayers will do a greatdeal of good to these wretched remnants of Abraham's seed. We must continueour labors until we have faith to bind satan; and if you and I do not liveto do it, our posterity will step forward and accomplish it after we aregone.

When a person is placed in circumstances that he cannot possibly obtainone particle of anything to sustain life, it would then be his privilegeto exercise faith in God to feed him, who might cause a raven to pick upa piece of dried meat from some quarter where there was plenty, and dropit over the famishing man. When I cannot feed myself through the means Godhas placed in my power, it is then time enough for Him to exercise His providencein an unusual manner to administer to my wants. But while we can help ourselves,it is our duty to do so. If a Saint of God be locked up in prison, by hisenemies, to starve to death, it is then time enough for God to interpose,and feed him.

While we have a rich soil in this valley, and seed to put in the ground,we need not ask God to feed us, nor follow us round with a loaf of breadbegging of us to eat it. He will not do it, neither would I, were I theLord. We can feed ourselves here; and if we are ever placed in circumstanceswhere we cannot, it will then be time enough for the Lord to work a miracleto sustain us.

If you wish to know what you must do hereafter, I will tell you in afew words-keep your powder, and lead, and your guns in good order. Go aboutyour work, plough your fields, work in your mechanic shops, and be readyin the morning, at noon, or in the night, that whenever you are called upon,you can put your hand upon your musket and ammunition at the shortest notice."Be ye also ready, for in an hour you think not behold the thief comes,"and takes away your horse from your stable.

How many complaints have been made to me by men who have had their horsesstolen out of their stables, or out of their carals, or of clothes beingtaken from the line. The reason why people lose their property is becausethey do not watch it. Have I ever complained of any such thing? No! Why?Because I watch my coral. Do I lose anything out of my barn. No. BecauseI lock it up, and keep somebody there to watch it. Do I lose any clothing?Not that I know of. I tell my folks not to leave out their clothing. "Why,"they ask, "is there any danger of their being stolen?" It is noneof your business, they will not dry after dark, therefore take them in,and hang them out again in the morning. That is the way to live, and thisis what I wish to say to you concerning these matters, that your minds maybe at peace. All will be peace this summer, if you will keep on watching.

If you want to know what to do with a thief that you may find stealing,I say kill him on the spot, and never suffer him to commit another iniquity.That is what I expect I shall do, though never, in the days of my life,have I hurt a man with the palm of my hand. I never have hurt any personany other way except with this unruly member, my tongue. Notwithstandingthis, if I caught a man stealing on my premises I should be very apt tosend him straight home, and that is what I wish every man to do, to puta stop to that abominable practice in the midst of this people.

I know this appears hard, and throws a cold chill over our revered traditionsreceived by early education. I had a great many such feelings to contendwith myself, and was as much of a sectarian in my notions as any other man,and as mild, perhaps, in my natural disposition, but I have trained myselfto measure things by the line of justice, to estimate them by the rule ofequity and truth, and not by the false tradition of the fathers, or thesympathies of the natural mind. If you will cause all those whom you knowto be thieves, to be placed in a line before the mouth of one of our largestcannon, well loaded with chain shot, I will prove by my works whether Ican mete out justice to such persons, or not. I would consider it just asmuch my duty to do that, as to baptize a man for the remission of his sins.That is a short discourse on thieves, I acknowledge, but I tell you thetruth as it is in my heart.

As you have heard the history of our journey south, I will now giveyou a little of what is going on in the world beneath us, gleaned from theeastern mail which came in last evening. I know there is a great anxietyin the minds of the people to learn the news, as it is now seven monthssince we had anything from that quarter.

I understand that New York is yet standing in the same place, also thecities of Philadelphia and Washington still flourish, also the old Bay States,with the Northern, Southern, and Western States, are all there yet, andFranklin Pierce is President of them. That we guessed would be the case,last year. But if the Whigs had had half the cunning that men have here,they would have beaten that party, and Franklin Pierce would not have beenPresident; but they do not know enough.

Brother Orson Pratt was in Washington, when he wrote last March; heis probably now in England. He has published a paper called The Seer, sevenNumbers of which have appeared before the public. He also hired a Hall inthat city, when he first arrived there in December last. Many came to hearhim at first, but they kept dropping off, until there were so few that hegave it up, but he continues publishing.

There is influence enough there, among the priests, and the membersof Congress, to keep the people away from hearing Orson Pratt. They areall well persuaded that if they contend with him, he will break up theirchurches. Ignorant as they are in other matters, they know enough to guardagainst that. The paper has a good effect. He says, "A great many whohave apostatized, say, had they seen the Revelation on Celestial Marriage,years ago, they would never have left the Church. They believed 'Mormonism;'but supposed there was no such Revelation in existence."

He says that hundreds of families from whom the light of truth had wellnigh departed, are again reviving, and inquiring how they may get to theValley. There is no opposition compared with what has been. The public printsburlesque the doctrine published in The Seer, which is about all the oppositionthere is. And what can they say? Nothing more than what they always havesaid. I can sum up all the arguments used against Joseph Smith and "Mormonismin a very few words, the merits of which will be found in OLD JOE SMITH.IMPOSTOR, MONEY DIGGER. OLD JOE SMITH. SPIRITUAL WIFE DOCTRINE. IMPOSTURE.THE DOCTRINE IS FALSE. MONEY DIGGER. FALSE PROPHET. DELUSION. SPIRITUALWIFE DOCTRINE. Oh, my dear brethren and sisters, keep away from them, forthe sake of your never dying souls. FALSE PROPHETS THAT SHOULD COME IN THELAST DAYS. OLD JOE SMITH. ANTI-CHRIST. MONEY DIGGER, MONEY DIGGER, MONEYDIGGER. And the whole is wound up with an appeal, not to the good senseof the people, but to their unnatural feelings, in a canting, hypocriticaltone, and there it ends.

I have not learned anything yet of any change being made touching theExecutive Officer of this Territory. Brigham Young is still the Governorof Utah. Brother Bernhisel has succeeded in getting liberal appropriationsfor the Territory, among which twenty thousand dollars has been appropriatedfor a Penitentiary. I appointed Dr. Willard Richards, Secretary pro. tem.,which appointment has been honored by the General Government, and one thousandeight hundred dollars appropriated for his services; notwithstanding I rebukedthe runaway Secretary in a public manner, when he and his companion publiclyinsulted this great people; and notwithstanding the hue and cry which theymade about the "Mormons in Salt Lake Valley." I have courage enoughto tell a man of his meanness, no matter whether he be a Sheriff, a Judge,a Governor, a Priest, or a King. I have courage enough to tell them of theirwickedness, and expect I always shall have.

The general news you will get through the columns of our city paper.

We have a great many letters still back at Laramie; when our mail carriersleft there, there were seventeen mail bags, six of which they brought away.As a general thing, the people will get their letters; as the newspaperbags were chiefly left, and the letter bags brought on.

I will say a word concerning the brethren who left here last fall. DanielCarn had to leave Germany, and brother Orson Spencer could not obtain permissionto stay in Prussia. The Governor said to the brethren who went to Jamaica,that they might minister among the people; and the minister from the Statesdid all he could to have them stay there, but they had to leave on accountof the prejudices of the community, and they are now preaching in the UnitedStates. These are some of the leading items we have received per this Mail.

I now wish to say to the Latter-day Saints that which will be a greatcomfort to them. We laid before you our Church indebtedness a year ago,last April Conference; it now gives me great consolation to be able to saythat every dime of that debt is paid, and money left, enough to answer ourpurpose at Present. (A general expression of satisfaction in the congregation.)

The Lord has delivered us from this difficulty. I never liked to bein bondage to my enemies, but I would be as willing to owe the brethrenmoney as not, for it is better doing good in my hand, than to be lockedup in a chest, doing no good.

When the brethren go to the world to administer salvation to them, wewish them to go perfectly clean, and represent an honorable and independentpeople. It is a great consolation to me that we do not owe the Gentilesone red cent, or not more than one tenth part of the money we have got onhand, at the furthest.

We can now put forth our hand and help the poor Saints, that are scatteredabroad, to this place. We can now obtain articles to build the Temple wehave commenced. Joseph Smith laid the foundation of the great fabric, andwe have commenced to build upon it. If we do right, there will be an eternalincrease among this people in talent, strength of intellect, and earthlywealth, from this time, henceforth, and forever.

I might tell you many great and good things, but I will tell you atonce, if you will do your duty, and live as you ought to live before Godand your brethren, you will have good with you all the time. It is our dutyto apply our hearts to wisdom, and learn enough of the things of God toenable us to see the world as it is, which is one of the greatest privilegesthat can be granted to man. It is not only a privilege, but a duty for theSaints to seek unto the Lord their God for wisdom and understanding, tobe in possession of the spirit that fills the heavens, until their eyesare anointed and opened to see the world as it really is, to know what itis made for, and why all things are as they are. It is one of the most happifyingsubjects that can be named, for a person, or people, to have the privilegeof gaining wisdom enough while in their mortal tabernacle, to be able tolook through the whys and wherefores of the existence of man, like lookingthrough a piece of glass that is perfectly transparent; and understand thedesign of the Great Maker of this beautiful creation. Let the people dothis, and their hearts will be weaned from the world.

If this people will pursue the course they are bound by their obligationsand covenants to take, they will obtain spirit enough to see and understandall things in heaven and on earth, that are sufficient for their salvation.The cobwebs of early traditions and antiquated superstitions will be brushedaway, and they will plainly see that the world is just the world, and nothingbut the world, and we are nothing but people on the world, designed to fillthe measure of our creation, to bring to pass certain results that pertainto our exaltation.

Let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, then shall we be weaned fromthe world; no man will love this, that, or the other thing, except to dogood with it, to promote the eternal interests of mankind, and prepare themto be exalted in immortality. No man can be exalted unless he be independent.I will use a comparison to illustrate this idea. If you put an animal orbeing not endowed with intelligence on a throne, he would be nothing butan animal still; but put intelligence into that creature, to give him knowledgehow to prepare himself to reign on that throne, and fortify it with strength,then he is exalted. Mankind are naturally independent and intelligent beings,they have been created for the express purpose of exalting themselves. Whenthey apply their hearts to wisdom, they will then get understanding. Thereis the fountain, go and drink at it, ask and receive all you wish, for thereis an eternity of it, it will never become any less. It is for you and meto receive wisdom so as to be prepared for exaltation and eternal livesin kingdoms that now exist in eternity.

May God bless you. Peace be upon you. Be fervent in spirit, humble,teachable, and prayerful, taking care of yourselves, endeavoring to saveyourselves and all you have any influence over, which is my continual prayerfor you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.